Blockchain is a distributed, digital transaction technology that allows for securely storing data and executing smart contracts in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Rather than being controlled by one entity, blockchain is spread across multiple systems and uses a form of data logging to ensure that the information cannot be changed or corrupted by anyone else. By decentralizing data and protecting the way it is manipulated, blockchain promotes transparency and the sharing of information. Blockchain technology has been considered as the next big technological breakthrough which finds its way from online transaction to e-governance and has tremendous potential across all the sectors e.g. financial sector, logistics and supply chain, energy sector etc.
It has attracted the attention of the power industry with its potential to unleash an energy revolution in which both electric utilities and consumers will produce and sell electricity. The booming demand and increased growth of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) such as solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, batteries, microgrids, electric vehicle charging and embedded networks has moved the power balance from central authorities to the edges of the grid. Blockchain could offer a reliable, low-cost way for financial or operational transactions to be recorded and validated across a distributed network with no central point of authority. All that's required to bring the revolution into the mainstream is an energy market model that takes power from central players' hands and puts customers in command of a co-created future. Like the centrally controlled power systems of the past, the future of the energy system is being co-created by the prosumers and investors who determine where and when to deploy DER.
While there are more than 24 use cases of blockchain technology in the power sector, the one that is currently gaining the most attention is P2P power trading, where small-scale generation owners may directly sell excess energy to other consumers. Blockchain-enabled technologies can add to the speed of adoption as they can be applied to applications for Community Net Metering, Virtual Net Metering, EV Charging, Virtual Power Plant, etc.
This workshop addressed the maturity of blockchain technology, relevant power sector use cases and regulations and policy support required to incorporate these use cases.
Objectives of the Session
- To appraise the participants on the potential of Blockchain technology for following applications:
- Use Casesand case studies on successfully implemented Blockchainprojects will be presented to the participants who could study and evaluate the same for adoption in their utilities/countries
- Non-utility participants could learn about the technology and use cases and build new businesses around these opportunities
a.P2P Trading of Rooftop Solar Energy amongst customers and Trading Rules
b.Tokenization, trade and management of Green Energy Certificates on Blockchain.
c.Blockchain-enabled charging and sharing of Electric Vehicles
d.Blockchain for remote charging of prepaid meters
e.Leveraging Blockchain for Flexible Marketplace for Future Energy Trading
Time (Manila) | Activities |
20:00 - 20:05 p.m. | Welcome Remarks: By Reji Kumar Pillai, President, India Smart Grid Forum and Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation |
20:05 - 20:20 p.m. |
Session 1: Introduction to Blockchain Technology and its Use Cases in the Electricity Sector Tony Giroti, Chairman, Energy Blockchain Consortium |
20:35 - 21:05 p.m. |
Session 3: Use Cases of Blockchain Technology on (10 mins each Presentation):
21:05 - 21:25 p.m. | Q&A (Audience) |
21:25 - 21:30 p.m. |
Workshop Conclusion: Reji Kumar Pillai |
About the Organizers
India Smart Grid ForumIndia Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) is a Public Private Partnership initiative of Ministry of Power (MoP), Government of India for accelerated development of smart grid technologies in the Indian power sector. Mandate of ISGF is to advise government on policies and programs for promotion of Smart Grids in India, work with national and international agencies in standards development and to help utilities, regulators and the Industry in technology selection, training and capacity building.
ISGF work closely with government institutions such as CEA, CPRI, CERC, NSGM and NCIIPC; ministries such as MNRE, DoT, MoUD, MoHI etc. and other stakeholders like state governments, electric utilities and electricity regulatory commissions. With 170+ members comprising of ministries, utilities, technology providers, academia and research, ISGF has evolve as a Think-Tank of global repute on Smart Grids and Smart Cities.The main objectives of ISGF are:
- To help the Indian power sector deploy smart grid technologies in an efficient, cost effective, innovative and scalable manner by bringing together all key stakeholders and enabling technologies.
- To create a platform for public and private stakeholder members, research institutions and power utilities to exchange ideas and information on smart grids and develop use case scenarios for India.
- To bring together experts from regulation, policy, and the corporate sector to build support for smart grid policies.
- To conduct research on the capabilities of smart grids in the Indian context through case studies, cost-benefit analysis, study of technical advancements in renewable energy sources and other ancillary activities.
- To make recommendations to the Government, Regulators, Utilities and Consumers through reports, white papers, technical seminars, etc.
ISGF has 8 working groups focused on different aspects of smart grid such as: WG1: Grid Modernization & Smart Cities; WG2: IoT, Smart Metering, AI & Analytics; WG3: Digital Architecture and Cyber Security; WG4: Policy, Regulations and Business Models; WG5: Renewables & Microgrids; WG6: Flexibility & Electric Mobility; WG7: Smart Gas; WG8: Smart Water.on was established in 2010.
Point of Contact:
Reena Suri, ISGF
Email:[email protected]