
In response to the challenges and energy sector outlook in Asia and the Pacific region, and to reflect the findings and recommendations of the Sector-Wide Evaluation of ADB’s current energy policy and program for 2009-2019 conducted by ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department, inputs from stakeholders concerned, lessons learned, and the policy analysis, ADB is in the process of preparing the 2021 Energy Policy aiming to guide ADB’s energy sector operations to help its developing member countries (DMCs) develop sustainable and resilient energy systems through low-carbon energy transition.

The 2021 Energy Policy will be consistent with ADB’s Strategy 2030 that sets to achieve a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, align with the goals of Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Agreement, and make all finance flows

consistent with low greenhouse gas emissions and climate resilient development pathway. To this end, the policy implementation will be based on the following five guiding principles:

    (i) securing energy for a prosperous and inclusive Asia and the Pacific,
    (ii) building a sustainable and resilient energy future,
    (iii) engaging with institutions and framing policy reforms,
    (iv) promoting regional cooperation to enhance energy security, and
    (v) providing integrated solutions and cross sectoral operations to maximize development impact.

In supporting the 2021 Energy Policy, ADB has strengthened its commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and pledged that at least 75% of its committed operations, including sovereign and non-sovereign operations, will be designed to support climate change mitigation and adaptation by 2030, and climate finance from ADB’s own resources will reach $80 billion cumulatively from 2019 to 2030.

There were a series of consultation meetings with various stakeholders including global energy experts since June 2020 to discuss key findings and recommendations of ADB’s Sector-Wide Evaluation, specific issues for clean energy transition, and engage dialogue with stakeholders to seek views and feedback for preparation of the 2021 Energy Policy. ADB has launched a website and posted a draft 2021 Energy Policy in May 2021 for public consultation, which can be found in the following link:


The main objective of the Virtual Consultation Roundtable (VCR) with Global Energy Experts is to bring together energy experts representing diverse segments including governments, investors, developers, manufacturers, researchers, multilateral development banks, and academia to discuss challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for Asia and the Pacific in the journey towards low-carbon energy transition taking into account the goals of Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Agreement on climate change, and also to obtain feedback on a new energy policy (the 2021 Energy Policy) of ADB

The outcome of this VCR will be used as an input to finalize the 2021 Energy Policy. The VCR will be held as part of 2021 Asia Clean Energy Forum and is designed to exchange diverse insights on low-carbon energy transition, discuss salient features of the draft 2021 Energy Policy, and obtain feedback.

Roundtable Structure

The VCR will begin with moderated discussions among the pre-selected panelists on low-carbon energy transition, followed by a session to exchange views and insights on the draft 2021 Energy Policy posted on ADB website.

  • The panel discussions will be facilitated by a moderator, and after the panel discussions, the floor will be open to all participants for questions and answers.
  • Prior to the VCR, a set of discussion topics and questions will be circulated to the panelists.
  • The Scene Setter will present key issues in global low-carbon energy transition, update the progress and present salient features of the draft 2021 Energy Policy focusing on the five guiding principles.
  • The VCR will conclude with a summary of the discussion and takeaways as an input to the revision of draft 2021 Energy Policy.


Time (Manila) Activities
02:00-0210 p.m. Welcome Remarks
Priyantha Wijayatunga, Chair, Energy Committee, ADB
02:10-03:00 p.m. Panel Discussions on Low-Carbon Energy Transition and Draft 2021 Energy Policy

Scene Setter: Sakari Oksanen, ADB Consultant, Energy Policy and Strategies in MDBs


Moderator: Yongping Zhai Chief of Energy Sector Group, ADB Moderator

  • Hongpeng Liu Director, Energy Division, UNESCAP
  • Xavier Chen President, Beijing Energy Club
  • Ashivini Kumar Former Managing Director, Solar Energy Corporation of India, Ltd.
  • Toshiyuki Sakamoto Managing Director, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
  • Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Senior Officer, Sustainable Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department ASEAN Center for Energy
  • Maria Pastukhova, Senior Policy Advisor – Energy Diplomacy, E3G
03:00 - 03:20 p.m. Q&A
Moderator: Yongping Zhai, Chief, Energy Sector Group, ADB
03:20-03:30 p.m. Summary and Closing Remarks
Yongping Zhai, Chief, Energy Sector Group, ADB