Full Agenda
Agenda for ACEEF 2021 - Monday June 14 | ||||||||
MORNING SESSION 10:30 AM - 12:00. PM (GMT+8) |
Free time and ACEF participant networking | |||||||
AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 - 3:30 PM (GMT+8)) |
Deep Dive Workshop 1
Innovative and Sustainable Cooling Solutions for Asia and the Pacific (ADB, ADBI, SEforALL, UK Government) |
Deep Dive Workshop 2
Finance to Accelerate Energy Transition in Asia and the Pacific: Public Sector Initiatives and Good Practices of Private Sector (ADB, Japan METI) |
Deep Dive Workshop 3
Industrial Decarbonization: Innovation in Financing and Market-Building (UK Government, UNIDO, World Bank ESMAP) |
EVENING SESSION 8:00 - 9:30 PM (GMT+8) |
Side Event
I-Pitch@ACEF: (PFAN, SEAS) |
Side Event
It’s Not Just Gas or Storage: (The Clean Power Hub) |
Side Event
Leading the Energy Sector into the Future by Harnessing the Power of Gender Equality (USAID Southeast Asia EDGE Hub, USAID Engendering Utilities, E4SEA) |
Side Event
Scoping Dialogue to Raise (New Energy Nexus and OurEnergy2030) |
Track 1: Tracing Future Paths with Technology Roadmaps for NDCs | Deep Dive Workshop |
Track 2: Rebounding from COVID-19 with Integrated Solutions | Plenary |
Energy Policy Consultation | Spotlight Session |
Regional Topics | Side Event |
Agenda for ACEEF 2021 - Tuesday June 15 | ||||||||
MORNING SESSION 10:30 AM-12:00 PM (GMT+8) |
Opening Plenary
Clean Energy for Green Recovery and Carbon Neutrality |
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (GMT+8) |
Book Launch
Financing Clean Energy in Developing Asia |
AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 PM. - 3:30 PM. (GMT+8) |
Thematic Track Session 1.1:
Implementing NDCs through Action Plan |
Thematic Track Session 2.1
Impacts of COVID-19 on Energy and the Environment |
Energy Policy Consultation 1
Virtual Consultation Roundtable with CSOs: |
Regional Session 1
Decarbonization in Central Asia: Managing Reserve Capacities to Support the Development of Large-Scale Renewable Energy Generation (ADB Central and West Asia Department) |
EVENING SESSION 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM (GMT+8) |
Side Event
The Future of E-Mobility in Asia: Goals, Challenges, and Holistic Solutions (USAID, NREL, SLOCAT Partnership) |
Track 1: Tracing Future Paths with Technology Roadmaps for NDCs | Deep Dive Workshop |
Track 2: Rebounding from COVID-19 with Integrated Solutions | Plenary |
Energy Policy Consultation | Spotlight Session |
Regional Topics | Side Event |
Agenda for ACEF 2021 - Wednesday June 16 | ||||||||
MORNING SESSION 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (GMT+8) |
Spotlight Session 1
Waste, Energy, and the Oceans |
Spotlight Session 2
Regional Partnerships to Advance Energy Priorities (USAID, DFC, JICA, TheRockefeller Foundation, EFA) |
Spotlight Session 3
Women Powering the Future: Innovation and Resilience |
Regional Session 2
Navigating the New Normal in a Fragile Pacific (ADB Pacific Department) |
AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 PM. - 3:30 PM. (GMT+8) |
Thematic Track Session 1.2
Showcasing Low-Carbon Transition Technologies |
Thematic Track Session 2.2
Combining Stimulus Recovery with Green Energy Transition |
Regional Session 3
Digitalization of Electric Utilities in South Asia (ADB South Asia Department) |
EVENING SESSION 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM (GMT+8) |
Side Event
Applying New Integrated Resources Planning and Data Visualization into Sustainable Power Planning in the Mekong Subregion (USAID, The Asia Foundation, ADPC, SEI) |
Learn More
Asia Livecast of New Report (WRI and Ørsted) |
Track 1: Tracing Future Paths with Technology Roadmaps for NDCs | Deep Dive Workshop |
Track 2: Rebounding from COVID-19 with Integrated Solutions | Plenary |
Energy Policy Consultation | Spotlight Session |
Regional Topics | Side Event |
Agenda for ACEF 2021 - Thursday June 17 | ||||||||
MORNING SESSION 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (GMT+8) |
Regional Session 4
Carbon Emissions Peaking in Asia and the Pacific (ADB East Asia Department) |
Regional Session 5
Getting Southeast Asia on the Clean Energy Fast Track (ADB Southeast Asia Department) |
AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 PM. - 3:30 PM. (GMT+8) |
Thematic Track Session 1.3
Deep Dives at the City, National, and Regional Levels |
Thematic Track Session 2.3
Boosting Clean Energy Innovation with |
Energy Policy Consultation 2
Virtual Consultation Roundtable with Global Energy Experts |
Regional Session 6
SDG-linked Debt Instruments for the Clean Energy Sector: Moving Beyond the Climate Thematic Label (ADB - Private Sector Operations Department) |
EVENING SESSION 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM (GMT+8) |
Track 1: Tracing Future Paths with Technology Roadmaps for NDCs | Deep Dive Workshop |
Track 2: Rebounding from COVID-19 with Integrated Solutions | Plenary |
Energy Policy Consultation | Spotlight Session |
Regional Topics | Side Event |
Agenda for ACEF 2021 - Friday June 18 | ||||||||
MORNING SESSION 10:30 AM -12:00 PM. (GMT+8) |
Deep Dive Workshop 4
Potential and Challenges of Hydrogen Energy in Asia and Pacific Developing Countries (ADB, Innovation Norway) |
Deep Dive Workshop 5
CCUS – Essential Tool for the Low-Carbon Transition in Asia (ADB, UK Government) |
Deep Dive Workshop 6
The Relevance of Energy Efficiency for Asia and the Pacific (ADB, ADBI, SEforALL) |
Deep Dive Workshop 7
From Dreams to Reality: Achieving NDCs through Power Sector Planning and Implementation (USAID, NREL, IEA, GIZ, WRI) |
Closing Plenary:
Collective Action for Low-Carbon, (Keynotes and panel discussion) |
Track 1: Tracing Future Paths with Technology Roadmaps for NDCs | Deep Dive Workshop |
Track 2: Rebounding from COVID-19 with Integrated Solutions | Plenary |
Energy Policy Consultation | Spotlight Session |
Regional Topics | Side Event |
Morning Sessions: 10:30 am – 12:00 nn (Manila), 10:30 – 12:00 pm (Washington DC), 4:30 – 6:00 am (CET)
Afternoon Sessions: 2:00 – 3:30 pm (Manila), 2:00 – 3:30 am (Washington DC), 8:00 – 9:30 am (CET)
Mid-day break: 12:00 nn – 2:00 pm (Manila) free time, networking, self-organized meetups.
Evening Session (Side Events): 8:00 – 9:30 pm (Manila) 8:00 – 9:30 am (Washington DC), 2:00 – 3:30 pm (CET)
ACEF = Asia Clean Energy Forum, ADB = Asian Development Bank, ADBI = Asian Development Bank Institute, ADPC = Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, AEEE = Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy, APUEA = Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association, CET = Central European Time, CASE = Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia, CEM = Clean Energy Ministerial, CCUS = Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage, COVID-19 = coronavirus disease, DFAT = Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, DFC = United States International Development Finance Corporation, EFA = Export Finance Australia, E4SEA = Enhancing Equality in Energy for Southeast Asia, ESMAP = Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, ETP = Energy Transition Partnership, EWF = Energy Web Foundation, GIZ = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GMT = Greenwich Mean Time, GSEF = Global Smart Energy Federation, IEA = International Energy Agency, IHA = International Hydropower Association, ISGF = India Smart Grid Forum, JICA = Japan International Cooperation Agency, METI = Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, NDCs = Nationally Determined Contributions, NREL = National Renewable Energy Laboratory, PFAN = Private Financing Advisory Network, RDMA = Regional Development Mission for Asia, REN21 = Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, SAGE = South Asia Group for Energy, SAREH = South Asia Regional Energy Hub, SDG = Sustainable Development Goal, SEAS = Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore, SEforALL = Sustainable Energy for All, SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute, SLOCAT = Stichting Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport, UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization, USAID = United States Agency for International Development, WRI = World Resources Institute.
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